Full time students:
You are classed as a full-time student if:
- You are 18 or over and at college, university or similar;
- Your course lasts at least 24 weeks in the year; and
- It involves at least 21 hours of study a week
Your college must be in the UK or European Union. You can be studying via Distance Learning as long as you meet the other student criteria.
You are also classed as a full-time student if you are 18 or 19 and on a non-advanced course like A-levels that lasts at least 3 months and involves at least 12 hours of study a week.
Households where everyone is a full-time student If everyone at your address aged 18 or over is a full-time student, including student nurses, no-one is counted for Council Tax and you will have nothing to pay.
Halls of residence are automatically exempt and you do not need to tell us.
Households where full-time students share with non-students If one household member is not a student, the non student is counted for Council Tax and will be responsible for paying the bill. The bill will be reduced by 25%.
There will be no reduction if there are two or more non-students in the household. The non-students are responsible for paying the bill.
Apply for a student reduction or exemption
School leavers:
We may be able to reduce your Council Tax if there is someone in the property who is:
- 18 years old, has just left school or college and someone is receiving Child Benefit for them; or
- Under 20, left school or college on or after 1 May and was doing a 'qualifying course' until that date. In this case a reduction can only last until 31 October in the same year
A 'qualifying course' is one that lasts at least 3 months and involves at least 12 hours of study a week for any qualification up to A-level.
To apply for a discount for a school leaver please contact us.
Foreign students:
If you are a foreign student with a partner or dependant who is not a British citizen and is not allowed to work or claim benefits you will not have to pay Council Tax.
You will have to send us a copy of your partner's passport when you claim the student reduction or exemption.
An apprentice is someone who is:
- Employed to learn a trade, business or profession;
- Undertaking training leading towards an accredited qualification; and
- Being paid no more than £195.00 per week before tax and national insurance
We will need to see copies of the apprenticeship agreement and the apprentice's wage slips.
Apply for a discount for an apprentice
Youth trainees:
Youth trainees are under 25 and have an individual training plan funded by the Skills Funding Agency or Young People's Learning Agency.
We will need to see evidence of a training plan.
To apply for a discount for a youth trainee please contact us.