What are we doing?
We've continued to campaign for the return of Eurostar services to Ebbsfleet and are in regular dialogue with Eurostar and the government.
We'll continue to work with partners, including Kent County Council, Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, Visit Kent, Locate in Kent, neighbouring councils, and local MPs to ensure services at Ebbsfleet International Station return.
With the valuable support of local residents and businesses across the county, we will continue our fight and call on the Government to intervene in order to maintain the prosperity of the borough and the wider North West Kent region.
Sign the petition
A petition has been set up and currently has more than 60,000 signatures.
If you would like to get more involved, share any information or help in any way please email info@bringbackeurotrains.com
Keeping residents informed
Bring Back Euro Trains (BBET) marked the first-year anniversary of the petition with a webinar in March 2024 to update residents on what has been done to date to help facilitate the return of the Eurostar.
Business Survey
Hundreds of business leaders, representing thousands of employees, have responded to Kent County Council’s (KCC) call for views on the lack of international rail services stopping in Kent.
The survey received around 530 responses from business representatives operating in Kent and the wider region with nearly all calling for a return of stopping services in the county.
In October 2023, KCC, supported by Dartford Borough Council and Ashford Borough Council, launched the business survey to understand the impact international rail services not calling in Kent is having on trade. The survey ran for three months, closing in January 2024.
The councils have focused on the impact of Eurostar’s decision to stop services since 2020 and have been working with rail industry leaders to address this. Further work will now be completed to understand the full range of views, so a case can be built with the aim of persuading operators and government.