The SPDs below have been brought forward since the Core Strategy was adopted.

Dartford Town Centre Framework:

This new document sets out how to co-ordinate and achieve regeneration of Dartford Town Centre, including Local Plan policies CS2 and DP15/16. See the full Framework Document.

The Town Centre Framework SPD was adopted by the Council on Thursday 28th July 2018, and will be applied to all site proposals, investment upgrades and applications within the Dartford Town Centre boundary shown on the Policies Map. This follows input in early 2018 from c.1,400 people who visited the public exhibitions, and over 200 questionnaire responses. We also had 21 detailed written responses raising a wide range of issues for consideration.

Please contact the LDF Team with queries, or call 01322 343213.

Windfall Housing Sites:

The Housing Windfall SPD New houses on sites that have not been previously identified by the Council for housing will be assessed against the SPD (and Development Policies Plan policies, including DP6).

Borough Parking Standards:

The Parking Standards SPD was adopted by the Council on 26th July 2012. View the Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Northern Gateway, Dartford:

The Northern Gateway SPD was adopted by the Council on 5th April 2012. Northern Gateway Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Kent Minerals and Waste Safeguarding:

This SPD provides further guidance on how the policies on mineral and waste infrastructure safeguarding as set out in the adopted Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (Kent MWLP) will be implemented in Kent. Kent County Council adopted the Safeguarding SPD in April 2017.