The Property Information team within Dartford Borough Council has spent many years developing a corporate database which includes information from all Council departments on land and property and holds all official property addresses and any alternate address information. This is known as the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and is the definitive source of address information within the Council and forms a part of the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG).
The NLPG is a national project which is a single property database of every single parcel of land or property within the country. This is a key development in providing on-line services to citizens and helping to improve customer service. The NLPG also forms a large part of Ordnance Survey's AddressBase Products.
For more information on the NLPG, please visit the Geoplace website - or for more information on AddressBase, please visit the Ordnance Survey's website -