There are different application forms for different applications types. These include new houses, change of use, variation of conditions, outline applications, submission of reserved matters and renewal of temporary permission.
Things to remember when submitting a valid application:
- An Ordnance Survey based plan will always be required and can be obtained from the Council on payment of a fee of £15 or from our partnership Getmapping website maps
- The appropriate fee, which you can find within the Fee's and Charges Menu.
- If the applicant does not own all the application site or encroachment does occur then the relevant notices must be served on the appropriate owners or interested parties. Encroachment can include foundations or gutters which go over the site boundary. Please use the following form to serve notice Planning certificate B Planning certificate C or D
- You will require the appropriate Design and Access statements
- All documents that we receive will be available to view on our web site. This will include the application and supporting documents. Such information is part of the statutory register and the Council has a duty to make it available.
Upon receipt of a valid application the Council look to deciding your application within a target date of eight weeks unless it is classed as a major application. If by this date a decision has not been reached, the Officer for your application can ask you for an extension of time.
- If you are not satisfied by this, you have a right of appeal against non-determination of your application
If you require further advice regarding the submission of your application, please contact planning admin