Exceptional Hardship Payments (EHP):
When we make a decision about your EHP we will send you a letter and/or an amended council tax bill. If you disagree with our decision you can ask us to:
- explain our decision
- look at our decision again (this is called a reconsideration)
You can ask us to explain our decision at any time. If you want us to look at a decision again you must write to us giving full reasons why you think our decision is wrong. If, after a reconsideration, our decision remains unchanged and you still disagree you can appeal directly to the Valuation Tribunal. You can also go straight to the Valuation Tribunal if you ask us for a reconsideration and we do not reply within two months.
Discretionary Hardship Payments (DHP):
There is no appeal process to the Independent Tribunal Service if you disagree with a DHP decision.
If you are unhappy with a decision you can write to us explaining your reasons and the decision will be reconsidered by someone other than the person who made the original decision. The decision will either be upheld or amended and we will write to you with a full explanation within one month of request for review.