Overpayments can be caused if you do not tell us about a change quickly enough. If you have been given too much Housing Benefit we will usually want that money repaid. The only exception may be if the Council or Department for Work and Pensions has made a mistake, and you could not be expected to know there had been an overpayment.
If there has been an overpayment we will write to you explaining:
- The reason for the overpayment,
- How much you have been overpaid,
- What period the overpayment relates to,
- Whether the overpayment will be recovered and if so, how it should be paid
If you are still receiving Housing Benefit, we will make a weekly deduction from your ongoing entitlement until the debt is repaid. If you are no longer in receipt of Housing Benefit, an invoice will be sent to you.
If you disagree with an overpayment you can write to us explaining your reasons and ask for the decision to be reconsidered.