To submit a Building Control application to Dartford Borough Council please complete  this form or alternatively, please email the documents to  Please refer to our fee tables  for information on our fee charges. 

This is the most popular route our customers choose to follow.

The principal advantage of using this method is that once your plans have been approved your builder can work to those drawings without fear of contravening the regulations during the building process.

A Full Plans submission requires you to provide a detailed set of plans together with a specification of the materials to be used.

Information that generally be shown on the plan includes:

  • Elevations
  • Floor Layouts
  • Detailed sectional views of the proposed construction
  • Site location plan
  • Adequate building specification details
  • Drainage details

You may also need to submit calculations for:

  • Structural members ie: Steel beams
  • Thermal insulation values
  • Fire safety items

The information is then checked to ensure that the details given comply with Building Regulation requirements.

When we have checked your proposals we will either approve your application or notify you of any alterations that may be required to the plans. When these have been received and found to be satisfactory the plans will then be approved.

Charge for Full Plans:

A full plans deposit will involve you in a two stage payment in accordance with our fee scales. The first charge is due when you initially submit your application for approval, this is called the plans fee charge.

The second charge is payable when our staff have made their first visit on site, this 'inspection charge' is a one off payment regardless of how many further visits are made to the site.

To calculate the required fees please view the relevant fee table on the Building Control Fee Tables and Application Forms page and then call Building Control Administration on 01322 343204 to make your payment.