Part-occupied Relief is commonly known as S44A Relief.
How do you qualify:
Where part of your property is unoccupied for a temporary period, usually because there are practical difficulties in occupying or vacating the premises, we have discretion to allow part-occupied relief.
What do you get:
We ask the Valuation Office Agency to tell us what part of your rateable value covers the occupied area and what part covers the unoccupied area. We will apply empty rate relief on the unoccupied area and charge occupied rates only on the occupied area.
How do you apply:
Tell us, in writing, why your premises are partly occupied and for how long. You must provide a floor plan showing the areas that are occupied and those that are not.
To help you the Council has produced Discretionary and Hardship Relief Guidelines setting out the factors that will be considered when making a decision to award or refuse relief.