How do you qualify:
Relief is available to ratepayers who have lost Small Business Rate Relief or Rural Rate Relief as a result of the 2023 revaluation.
What do you get:
Ratepayers will have the increase in their annual bills limited to a cash value of £600 per year
This relief will run until 31 March 2026 and relief will continue until this date or until the bill reaches what it would have been within the relief scheme, whichever is first.
The new UK subsidy control regime commenced from 4 January 2023. The new regime enables public authorities, including devolved administrations and local authorities, to deliver subsidies that are tailored for local needs. Public authorities giving subsidies must comply with the UK's international subsidy control commitments.
The subsidy control legislation provides the framework for a new, UK-wide subsidy control regime. Further information about subsidy control can be found on the GOV website.
How do you apply:
We will identify those who appear to qualify and award the relief automatically. We will then write to you confirming the award and asking you to make a subsidy declaration if appropriate.