Neighbourhood Planning for your Local Community:

All local communities have powers to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for their own area: Further information and guidance can be found here. A Neighbourhood Plan has the potential - subject to successful examination by an independent Inspector, and a local referendum – to become part of the statutory Development Plan. It then influences decisions by the Borough Council on planning applications. 

For more about powers to neighbourhoods: support is available for 'localism', or see official guidance on the range of community powers (planning and non-planning related) available. Communities can also seek to directly control of Assets of Community Value through the Community Right to Bid.

Stone Neighbourhood Plan:

The Stone Neighbourhood Plan was made (adopted) by Dartford Borough Council on 21 July 2022. This means that it is now part of the adopted development plan for the Borough.  Further information can be found on the Stone Neighbourhood Plan page.

The Borough's Statement of Community Involvement in Planning:

A Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how planning will involve the public. The SCI was updated in February 2021

This will guide opportunities for public input to planning decisions, particularly in preparing a new Local Plan.

Neighbourhood Factsheets:

The  Council has profiled population, economy and housing statistics for areas within the Borough. These also included 2017 Policies Map designations and information on the character and local services:

Your contact information and interest in Borough consultations:

It is easy to let us know that you would or would not like to be kept informed of planning policy consultations and updates. Let us know you would not like us to have your details (you will no longer be contacted) is simply email stating so to: or call 01322 343213 to find out more.

Planning Aid provides free independent advice on a range of general planning matters to community groups and members of the public.