The Cabinet sets the overall policy and budget for the Council – setting priorities and resources to meet the needs of the community.

Each Cabinet Member has a portfolio of responsibilities for which the Member leads in policy development. These portfolios are listed below.

Councillor J A Kite MBE:

Portfolio: Leader

Councillor C J Shippam:

Portfolio: Deputy Leader,  Town Centre

Councillor S H Brown:

Portfolio: Environment and Waste

Councillor D J Mote:

Portfolio: Housing

Councillor T A Oliver:

Portfolio: Communities and Equalities

Councillor R J Wells:

Portfolio: Community Safety and Youth

Councillor C Gale

Portfolio: Climate Change and Natural Environment

Lead Members:

Sitting outside the Cabinet reporting to the Leader of the Council:

  • Arts and culture: Councillor P A Thurlow
  • Business: Councillor A S Sandhu MBE
  • Finance: Councillor A R Lloyd
  • Parks and Heritage: Councillor D Swinerd
  • Women and Girls: Councillor J A Ozog
  • Youth: Councillor G R Holt

Armed Forces Champion:

Councillor P W Whapshott