How to prepare
- One in six UK properties is at risk from flooding. Here's how to be ready for it
- Assess your risk from river flooding online or call the Agency's Floodline on 0345 988 1188
- If you're at risk, register by phone or online for the Agency's free flood warning service. Keep the Floodline number and quick dial code handy for quick updates
- Know the flood warning codes and what they mean
- Check your insurance to confirm you're covered, and for the right amount
- Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water. If in doubt, consult your supplier
- Put stickers on taps and switches you need to turn off, so it's easier to remember - and quicker
- Think about pets, cars, furniture, electrical equipment and garden furniture
- Download a household flood plan template
- Prepare an emergency 'grab bag' to carry basic essentials with you
- If you're at risk, buy flood protection equipment in advance.
If flooding happens
- Tune in to your local radio station or call Floodline for updates
- Report property flooding or river blockages to the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60
- If safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains before water enters your home
- Put plugs in sinks and baths and weigh them down
- Move your family and pets to a higher position with a means of escape
- Remember to take your emergency 'grab bag'
- Don't touch sources of electricity when standing in water
- Never drive through flood water. Eighty per cent of flood deaths occur in vehicles
- If there's raw sewage in your property, keep out. See if you can stay elsewhere (see Have emergency friends) until it's been cleansed
After a flood
- Find out if it's safe to return to your property by checking the media and local authority website
- Check falling river levels via Floodline and the Environment Agency website
- Contact your insurance company as soon as possible and follow their advice
- If you can get in to your property, take photographs for evidence
- Protect against contamination - always wear waterproof outerwear, Wellingtons and gloves
- Have your electricity supply checked before switching back on
- Have your gas or oil central heating checked by a qualified person
- Your local council may provide help for clearing flood damaged household items and protecting against further flooding (ie: sandbags)
For further, detailed advice on what to do before, during and after a flood, check the Environment Agency website