In an emergency you may need to move quickly, so it’s important to have necessities at hand.

Ideally, you should pack an easy-to-carry bag with essentials and store it in an accessible place.

At the very least, you should make an up-to-date list of things to put into your ‘grab bag’.

The contents will vary depending on your needs but may include:

  • Essential/prescribed medication, plus asthma and respiratory aids
  • Hearing aids
  • Spectacles, contact lenses
  • Useful phone numbers
  • Mobile phone, charger
  • House and car keys
  • Money, credit cards
  • First aid kit
  • Basic toiletries eg: toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary towels
  • Baby and small children supplies:
  • Food, formula, drink
  • Change of clothing
  • Nappies
  • Toys, books, activities
  • Food and water:
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Special food needs, canned or dried food
  • Can opener
  • Clothing and Equipment:
  • Wind and rainproof clothing
  • Strong outdoors shoes
  • Waterproof torch, spare batteries (check regularly) Consider a wind-up model
  • Radio, spare batteries (check regularly) Consider a wind-up model
  • Copies of insurance documents
  • Anti-bacterial hand wipes/gel
  • Blankets, sleeping bags
  • Sun hats, sunscreen
  • Toilet paper
  • Rubbish bags
  • Thermos flasks
  • Pet supplies