Please refer to our Corporate Privacy Notice and service specific Privacy Notices for further details of how we process your personal information and your rights.

Please note that we have no links or affiliations to an organisation called 'Resolver', which purports to provide a free, independent issue resolution service.

If you have a formal complaint about us, you should contact us via our complaints procedure.

What can you formally complain to us about:

We define a complaint as 'an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents'.

Your complaint must be about something specific. You must tell us what you believe we have done wrong, how this has affected you and what you think we should do to put things right.

When to make a formal complaint:

You should complain to us as soon as you can after the event has occurred.

Anonymous complaints:

Anonymity makes it more difficult for us to properly investigate and understand your complaint, and to provide appropriate responses or redress. We may record and investigate anonymous complaints, but we do encourage names and addresses so we can report back.

How to make your formal complaint:

Please note that the Council is not responsible for the Dartford Crossing and/or Dart Charge related issues - complaints are to be referred to National Highways. Complaints related to highway issues, such as overgrowing vegetation, potholes, street lighting etc., are to be referred to Kent County Council.

We encourage you to make use of the online complaint form as it is the fastest way to reach us.

Please note that for security reasons, you have 20 minutes in which to complete the complaint form, failing which the system will 'time out' and you will lose the form and your information. Normally, the form takes a few minutes to complete. However, if you are concerned that you may not have enough time to type all you want to say, we suggest typing the information in a separate document first, then cut and paste the text into the complaint form.

It is not possible to add attachments to the online complaint form. If you have any documents to support your complaint, you must send us your complaint by post.

You can call our Customer Services on 01322 343434 and ask for a complaint form to be sent to you. Your complaint will normally be dealt with in a simple three stage process.

If a disability prevents you from making your complaint in writing, you can call our Customer Services on 01322 343434. We welcome calls via Relay UK

Some complaints or appeals are dealt with differently for legal reasons eg: fraud, homelessness and benefits. We will let you know when this applies.

Please send your complaint form (and the attached monitoring form) to the following address.

Corporate Complaints Officer, Dartford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Home Gardens, Dartford Kent DA1 1DR