Help and advice on the corporate complaints procedure
For advice on procedure, contact the Corporate Complaints Officer on 01322 343434 or Online: Contact the Corporate Complaints Officer.
Equality and diversity
We strive to ensure that our complaints service is accessible to all and that we do not inadvertently discriminate against members of any particular group in society. We respect our public sector equality duty obligations under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 as reflected in our Equality and Diversity Document Framework.
As a public sector body, the Equality Act 2010 requires us to consider making adjustments if people with disabilities have problems using our service. If those adjustments are reasonable, we must make them. We are committed to making sure the way we work does not disadvantage disabled people and meets our legal obligations.
Do you need special help
We have arrangements to help you if you have difficulty, for example if you have a disability or if English is not your first language. If you need an interpreter, we can arrange this and we can also produce letters and reports in other languages, in large print (16pt plain text), in Braille or on audio tape. Please call our Customer Services on 01322 343434. We welcome calls via Relay UK
Complaints against any form of discrimination may be referred to the Equality Advisory Service -
The following organisations may assist you in making a complaint
- Citizens Advice in North and West Kent - Dartford
Telephone: 0808 278 7810
Website: - Disability Information Advice Line (DIAL)
Advice telephone: 01474 356962
- Local Councillor or MP
Telephone: 01322 343430 for information about your local ward Councillor
Website: Councillor Information - Council for Voluntary Service North West Kent who will tell you of organisations that offer support
Telephone: 01474 4354479 - Kent Equality Cohesion Council if you feel you been discriminated against because of your race
Telephone: 01474 369329