Recognising the needs of its disabled and elderly tenants in the Borough, and their desire to live independently, the Council has set up a Handyman and Decoration Scheme for its tenants.

Older Persons' Decoration scheme:

This scheme is open to tenants where all members of the household are 65 years or over, or to those who are physically disabled and living independently.

The Council will provide the labour to complete the decoration of one room every five years. All materials must be provided by the tenant. Where a property is under occupied the main bedroom, living area, kitchen and bathroom and hallway will be considered by the Council for redecorating. Spare rooms will not be considered.

To apply for the scheme tenants must contact the Council on 01322 343800. There is currently a waiting list in operation.

Handyman scheme:

The Handyman Scheme is a free service for council tenants offering help with small DIY jobs, tenants only need to supply materials needed to do the job.

To be eligible tenants must be:

  • A tenant 65 or over, or
  • Disabled or
  • Living in a Dartford Borough Council Supported Scheme

Proof of the above may be requested.

If there is someone living in the home that could carry out the work then you will not be eligible.

Jobs the handyman could do:

  • Replace light bulbs
  • Small areas of decorating
  • Replace WC seats, small areas of tiling, sealant around bath/sink
  • Put up curtain/tracks
  • Change tap washers
  • Put up bathroom cabinets and other small items of similar nature
  • Put up shelves and pictures
  • Minor measures to combat condensation eg: mould removal, clear vents/fit covers
  • Bleed radiators
  • Move furniture around the property (provided it can be done by one person)
  • Turn mattresses

Install safety features and give advice:

  • Fit tenants smoke/carbon monoxide alarms
  • Fix down dangerous carpets and trailing leads
  • Fit grab rails
  • Give security and energy efficiency advice


  • Carry out small repairs to paths (to get rid of trip hazards), gates and fences
  • Unblock sinks, basins, baths and WC's
  • Repair locks

Please note: there may be jobs that are not included on this list.

Jobs the handyman cannot do:

  • Work on gas and electrical appliances
  • Do any works above step ladder height
  • Deal with anything that involves asbestos
  • Work in loft spaces


  • Tenants need to provide all the materials needed for the job, the council cannot take any responsibility for the materials supplied
  • Tenants are allowed a 1 hour slot per month for the handyman service. This time cannot be built up or backdated
  • The handyman will do as many different jobs as he/she can do in a 1 hour slot but these must be specified when booking the appointment

The handyman will:

  • Use dust sheets wherever required
  • Clear up any mess before they leave
  • Provide all tools needed to do the work
  • Where required, provide minor fixing materials for the works such as screws, glue, mastic, etc
  • Carry a personal identification badge at all times
  • Carry out the agreed work only

To find out more or make an appointment you should call 01322 343800

When you phone you will be asked what work you would like the handyman to do (please note, the handyman will not carry out any work that has not been asked for beforehand) and we will tell you what day the handyman will do the work on.