Tenants' and leaseholders' forum public meeting

Come along to the next public meeting of the Forum to find out what work they have been up to on your behalf. This is your opportunity to air your views to the Forum and council officers.

Upcoming meetings 

We're finalising details for the public meetings of Dartford's Tenant's and Leaseholders' Forum.

  • Tuesday 25th February 2025 (Venue to be confirmed).
  • July 2025 (Venue and exact date to be confirmed).
  • October 2025 Annual General Meeting – Temple Hill Community Centre, Temple Hill Square (exact date to be confirmed).

Doors open at 7pm for light refreshments. The meetings will commence at 7:30pm.

If you have something to say and are interested in joining the forum, or getting involved in other involvement activities, get in touch via our resident involvement online form.