Your council tax helps pay for important local services provided by different public authorities.
For each pound we collect, the authorities listed below each received the following share of your money:
75p Kent County Council
8.5p Dartford Borough Council
12p The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent
3p Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority
1.5p Town and Parish Councils (average)
Below is a list of some of the local services that each authority provides:
Kent County Council:
- Education
- Social Services
- Adult Social Care
- Community and living
- Roads and transport
- Environment and planning
- Health and wellbeing
- Leisure and culture
For more information on the services Kent County Council provides and their budget details.
Dartford Borough Council:
- Community and Housing
- Refuse collection and recycling
- Environmental services
- Housing Benefits
- Leisure services
- Street cleaning, transportation and parking
- Planning services
See full details of the Council's budget.
For more information about Council Tax amounts:
- About your Council Tax 2025/26
- About your Council Tax 2024/25
- About your Council Tax 2023/24
- About your Council Tax 2022/23
- About your Council Tax 2021/22
- About your Council Tax 2020/21
- About your Council Tax 2019-20
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent:
- Crime detection
- Crime reduction
- Attending road traffic incidents
- Responding to emergencies
- Firearms licensing
- Neighbourhood policing teams
- Tackling serious and organised crime
For more information on the services the Police provide and their budget details.
Kent and Medway fire and rescue authority:
- Saves lives and reduces risks from fire and other emergencies
- Educates on fire prevention
- Provides home fire safety checks
Town or parish councils:
- Maintaining local assets including allotments, common lands, burial grounds, play areas, tennis courts, litter bins, seats and ponds