About the Electoral Registers

The Register of Electors lists the names and addresses of everyone who is eligible to vote in elections and referendums.It is a requirement to register to vote, and you need to be registered in order to vote, For more information about Registering to Vote, visit our Elections Home Page

Using information received from the public, Electoral Registration Officers keep two registers – the Electoral Register and the Open Register (also known as the edited register).

The Electoral Register lists the names and addresses of everyone registered to vote in elections. It is used for electoral purposes, such as ensuring that only eligible people can vote.
It is also used for other limited purposes specified in law, such as detecting crime (e.g., fraud), calling people for jury service, and checking credit applications.

The Open Register is an extract of the electoral register, but it is not used for elections. It can be bought by any person, company, or organisation. Businesses and charities use it to confirm name and address details.

More information about the Electoral and Open Register can be found on the UK Government  website. 

Members of the public may view the electoral register under the supervision of a member of the Electoral Services team, and only handwritten notes can be taken. To make an appointment, use our contact form  or phone 01322 343501. Please note there might be long wait times during the busy period in the build up to the election. 

Your name and address will be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed. Removing your details from the open register does not affect your right to vote. If you would like to be removed from the open register, get in touch with us using our contact form  or phone 01322 343501. 

  • Please refer to our Corporate Privacy Notice and service-specific Privacy Notices at www.dartford.gov.uk for further details on how we process your personal information and your rights. This Data Protection Policy sets out how we will protect special category and criminal convictions personal data when your data is being used for the purpose of undertaking our statutory functions relating to elections and electoral registration.