Home Boarding and Day Care for Dogs

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) introduced a new licensing regime on 1st October 2018. If you look after other people’s dogs, in your home, you will need, either

- a Home Boarding licence (if dogs are kept overnight),
- or a Doggy Day Care Licence (daytime only).

The council will carry out an inspection, and may also arrange a vet inspection which will be at an extra cost. You will be required to fulfil all the statutory guidance for complying with licensing standards and conditions.

Eligibility criteria:

Applicants must be over 18 years of age, and any person who will have control or management of the establishment, should not have been disqualified from:

  • Keeping a pet shop
  • Keeping a dog
  • Keeping an animal boarding establishment
  • Keeping a riding establishment
  • Having custody of animals

The applicant, or any person who will have control or management of the establishment, must not have been disqualified or convicted of offences under the:

  • Animal Welfare Act 2006
  • Animal Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006
  • Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
  • Any other legislation listed in Schedule 8 of the LAIA Regulations 2018

Duration of a licence:

The licence runs for one, two, or three years from the date of issue. You will receive a one to five-star rating on your licence, with a five-star rating the highest possible award. The rating we give you will be an accurate reflection of the level of risk of your business, and the animal welfare standards you adopt. The cost is the same regardless of the length of the licence granted, rewarding compliant businesses and driving up standards in the sector.

The scoring matrix determines the star rating. It takes into account the animal welfare standards adopted by the business and your level of risk (based on elements such as past compliance).

Scoring Matrix:

  • Lower Risk - Minor Failings - 1 star, 1 year licence
  • Lower Risk - Minimum Standards - 3 star, 2 year licence
  • Lower Risk - Higher Standards - 5 star, 3 year licence
  • Higher Risk - Minor Failings - 1 star, 1 year licence
  • Higher Risk - Minimum Standards - 2 star, 1 year licence
  • Higher Risk - HIgher Standards - 4 star, 2 year licence

All licences are subject to one unannounced visit within the term of the licence.

See further details in the Procedural Guidance

The licence is subject to a fee:

Home Boarding licence is £430, the renewal fee is £381 (+ recharge of vet fee where incurred).
Doggy Day Care licence is £430, the renewal fee is £381 (+ recharge of vet fee where incurred).

Please read the conditions and guidance before you apply for a licence

Apply by post or in person:

To request an application form, please email eh.admin@dartford.gov.uk or telephone 01322 343434. 

Payment can be made by phone 01322 343434 quoting Ref H1380 9451 VAT 8 or by cheque with the application form.

Return the completed form with payment to:

Dartford Borough Council 
Civic Centre
Home Gardens