Time Limits

The time limit for submitting draft event documentation to the Safety Advisory Group is 14 weeks in advance of your event and all final event documentation 4 weeks in advance of your event.  Any delays to these timescales may affect the advice and guidance given by the agencies listed above.

If your documentation is submitted outside of these time scales, it may result in your application being refused or cancelled.

What happens to my information?

Your Event Notification Form, Event Management Plan, Site Plan, Risk Assessment and Public Liability Insurance certificate will be forwarded to the Events Safety Advisory Group for review, advice and guidance. It will then be referred back to you. The Events Safety Advisory Group consists of representatives from various departments at DBC, Kent Police, Kent Fire and Rescue Service, SECamb, NHS and KCC Highways. Your information will not be forwarded on to any other party without your prior consent. 

Event Organisers should be aware of, and adhere to, the requirements of The Purple Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare to Events.

Additional documentation may be requested, such as an Event Management Plan, Traffic Management Plan, Risk Assessments.  You will be informed what is required. You will also need to supply a copy of your Public Liability Insurance (minimum £10million cover).

Once we have received your Event Notification Form, we will contact you to notify you if the land you have requested is available for hire (if event is being held on council property) on the date(s) provided. We will then book the land for you on a provisional basis. 

Once all paperwork has been received, reviewed and agreed by the Events Safety Advisory Group, only then will a definite booking made and permission to occupy the land granted.

We recommend that you contact your Parish or Town Council and Ward Councillor to notify them about your event. 

Our Corporate Plan sets out our values and priorities and shows how we will work with our communities to deliver events that knit our growing communities together.  We value the diversity of Dartford’s communities and by enabling your event we are inviting you to share this value, helping us to develop community cohesion, bringing people from all backgrounds together.  

We look forward to hearing how your event will achieve this.

Read our Corporate Plan.

By clicking the button below, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.

Apply to hold an event