Action plan
Priority 1: Early intervention and prevention
Action | Partners |
Relaunch and expand membership of the Housing Hub (by September 2024) |
Introduce a multi-agency panel for complex cases (by June 2024) |
Look at ways to reduce the average waiting time for appointments (by April 2024) |
Explore the viability of introducing a financial exclusion predictive analytics model (ongoing) |
Encourage joint agency working in personalised housing plans (by September 2024) |
Expand membership of the Dartford Homelessness Forum to include missing partners (by March 2024) |
Work in partnership with KHOG to develop and deliver a multi-agency training package (by January 2025) |
Promote the duty to refer to relevant authorities (by June 2024) |
Ensure registered providers of social housing (housing associations) notify when an eviction is planned or a fixed term tenancy has not been renewed and their outgoing tenant has no alternative accommodation (by January 2025) |
Establish a weekly drop in service where anyone can access our service to gain quick housing advice (by February 2024) |
Review joint working processes with the YMCA, including the crash pad at the YMCA (by April 2024) |
Develop a multi-agency panel that seeks to assist 18+ care leavers from supported accommodation (by June 2024) |
Explore and identify future government funding opportunities to improve outcomes for homeless households in the borough (ongoing) |
Introduce key performance indicators for the homelessness service (by December 2024) |
Priority 2: Accommodation
Action | Partners |
Monitor the implementation of the Temporary Accommodation Strategy 2022-2024 (by end of 2024) |
Monitor out of London temporary accommodation placements in the borough and participate in meetings with London Boroughs, Kent County Council and other relevant agencies to discuss any ongoing issues (ongoing) |
Work in partnership with KHOG to develop and deliver a new Temporary Accommodation Placing Protocol (by winter 2024) |
Develop and implement a Social Lettings Agency (by 2025-26) |
Ensure there is a regular agenda item at the Landlords Forum on how private rented housing can work for both landlords and homeless households (by February 2024) |
Establish a branded 'self-help' rent deposit scheme (by January 2025) |
Review the offer to support applicants to be tenancy ready for when accommodation is secured (by September 2024) |
Explore whether relocation out of the borough can be supported for homeless applicants who are interested (ongoing) |
Explore the extended use of housing association properties to discharge functions under homeless legislation (by June 2024) |
Ensure the Housing Allocations Policy is kept under continuous review (ongoing) |
Monitor the progression of the Renters (Reform) Bill 2023 (ongoing) |
Deliver new council housing and enable the delivery of other affordable housing across the borough (ongoing) |
Look into opportunities to invest in supported housing (ongoing) |
Priority 3: Support
Action | Partners |
Expand the Housing Inclusion Service offer (by September 2024) |
Work in partnership with KHOG to develop and deliver new Joint Working Protocols for Young People (by April 2024) |
Ensure guests under the Homes for Ukraine and Afghan resettlement schemes are supported to move on (ongoing) |
Deliver domestic abuse awareness training for staff (annually) |
Introduce customer feedback mechanisms (by April 2024) |
Carry out a mystery shopping exercise on the homelessness service (by September 2025) |
Priority 4: Rough sleeping
Action | Partners |
Continue the commitment to holistic outreach work through the Single Homeless Prevention Service (ongoing) |
Build closer working relationships with other agencies (for example, mental health support, drug and alcohol support, adult social care) to deliver genuinely supportive interventions for people sleeping rough or at risk of rough sleeping (by December 2024) |
Evaluate the extent of rough sleeping in Dartford by carrying out a rough sleeper count/estimates (annually) |
Analyse data monthly based on our regular weekly outreach to monitor any changes in trends for reasons why people are sleeping rough. This is in order to shape the service according to the needs of service users (ongoing) |
Review the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol for Rough Sleepers (SWEP) (annually) |
Priority 5: Trauma informed approach
Action | Partners |
Deliver trauma awareness training to staff (by June 2024) |
Create an ACE Champion role within the homelessness service (by June 2024) |