It remains an exciting time with the Council’s programme of new homes being built in the Borough, as part of its commitment to providing much needed affordable rented homes for local people on the Council’s housing register.
The Council received planning permission to develop four new sites at Milton Road, Keary Road, Mead Crescent and Gilbert Close, providing a total of 32 new homes, including three wheelchair accessible bungalows at:
The Council worked in partnership with TSG Building Services to construct the new homes on all the above sites. Three of the sites have been completed and are now occupied. Gilbert Close has been delayed due to major archaeological investigations but we are hoping to start building in 2023.
On Temple Hill, residents have been settled in to the Council’s previous new developments at Hill View and Coleridge Road for several years.
All our new homes are or will be made available to local people most in need of affordable housing. They also enable much needed movement on the Council’s Housing Register.
The Council continues to look for opportunities to develop new council housing in the borough.