We deliver our service through a flexible, mobile team of HSOs. Our staff have been chosen for their professional skills and any member of the Housing Scheme Team will be happy to help or advise you. Any personal information will always be treated in strict confidence.
HSOs deliver an enhanced housing management service to tenants and look after the communal areas of the buildings in which you live. They have also been trained to deal with emergencies and will immediately contact whoever is necessary – relatives, doctor, Social Services, ambulance etc – if there is a crisis.
The role is a busy one and, unfortunately, cannot include looking after tenants on a day-to-day basis or running errands – for example, collecting shopping, pensions or prescriptions. The HSO will arrange help with specific tasks in an emergency, but families will still be the first point of contact for the care and welfare of their relatives. Moving to a housing scheme should not change the contact you have with your family and friends.
If you do not have family who live near you, the HSO can make a referral, with your permission, to Social Services, who may provide a package of care to help you do any personal tasks you can no longer manage.