Just prior to the event carry out a detailed safety check including:
Ensure clear access and exit routes and adequate circulation within the site. Pay particular attention to emergency routes.
A walk through inspection of the site should be carried out immediately prior to, during and after the event to identify any potential hazards and to check out communications are working. You may want to carry out more than one inspection during the event.
All defects should be noted and also the remedial action taken. Form F4 is provided as an example checklist you may wish to use and retain as a record.
Make sure that all facilities and attractions are correctly sited as per your site plan. Be certain that the first aid facilities, fire extinguishers and any cash collection boxes are in place. Check waste bins are in their correct locations.
Ensure adequate signage is displayed where necessary. This should include emergency exits, first aid points, fire points, information and lost/found children points and other welfare facilities such as toilets and drinking water. Remember that only previously approved signage may be used on the highway.
Check that all contractors, performers and exhibitors vehicles have been removed from the site or parked in the designated area before the public are permitted to enter.
Ensure all staging, seating, marquees and lighting structures have been erected safely and that certification has been obtained from the relevant contactors as a record of this.
Check that all barriers and other protection against hazards are securely in place and there is no risk of falling from staging or other facilities.
Make sure that all staff have arrived and are in their correct location. Ensure all stewards are wearing the correct clothing for easy identification. Make sure the communication systems work. (Remember information in Appendix 11).
Check all lighting is working, including any emergency lighting.
Public information:
Make sure the public address system is working and can be heard in all areas.
Check that all stewards and staff have been fully briefed and understand their responsibilities.