A pavement licence is a licence granted by the local authority, which allows the licence-holder to place removable furniture over certain highways adjacent to the premises in relation to which the application was made, for certain purposes.. It has been brought into effect for food and drink businesses such as:

  • Cafes
  • Restaurants
  • Bars

This is so they can place removable furniture on certain highways, next to their premises. It will also provide much needed income over the summer months. As well as protecting as many hospitality jobs as possible.

The type of furniture that may be placed on the pavement include:

  • counters or stalls for selling or serving food or drink;
  • tables, counters or shelves on which food or drink can be placed;
  • chairs, benches or other forms of seating; and
  • umbrellas, barriers, heaters and other articles used in connection with the outdoor consumption of food or drink.

This furniture is required to be removable and related to the serving, sale and consumption of food or drink. Local authorities should be pragmatic when determining what is ‘removable’ but in principle this means it is not a permanent fixed structure, and is able to be moved easily, and stored away at night.

Licences can be issued for a maximum of 2 years. 

The Government offers guidance on pavement licences.

Pavement Licences are subject to mandatory, national and local conditions

How to apply:

Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by email to licensing@dartford.gov.uk

  • Download a Pavement Licence Application
  • Please ensure you have read the mandatory, national and local conditions above.
  • Plans of the area must include:
    • Dimensions for the area that the application pertains to;
    • Layout and dimensions of the tables and seating to indicate how the applicant will achieve the required  minimum of 1 metre space between customers seated back to back;
    • Show where the seating will be located in relation to the entrance to the premises (social distancing required for staff entering & exiting the premises);
    • If other equipment (ie: A boards) is to be placed within the licensed area details of where this will be located so as not to cause an obstruction to pedestrians or for access to some of the proposed seating.
  • Details of space left for pedestrians to safely walk past the premises.
  • Public Liability Insurance.
  • Evidence of right to occupy the premises.

Businesses are also required to display a notice of the application at the premises, for a period of 14 days, and provide photographic evidence of this when applications are submitted.

Any queries should be emailed to licensing@dartford.gov.uk.


Any representations should be emailed to licensing@dartford.gov.uk before the representations deadline date shown.

The Local Authority intends to issue Pavement Licences to comply with the Act. This is unless there are good reasons not to. For example:

  • Evidence or concerns relating to obstruction
  • Insufficient room for disabled access
  • Safety
  • Crime
  • Disorder or nuisance

These key areas are covered in the Pavement Licence mandatory, national and local conditions. Representations should not include anything already included in the conditions. Representations can include suggested additional conditions. This is dependent on the individual premises, if reasonable and proportionate.

Pavement Licence Applications:

Below is a list of the current Pavement Licence application for consultation.

Premises Name and Address Applicant Application Accepted Representations Deadline