Local organisations in need of extra financial help to complete a project are welcome to apply.

After a successful 2023, the Dartford Neighbourhood CIL Fund is looking for new community projects to support in 2024/25. With applications being accepted until December 22, local organisations that are needing extra financial help to complete a project are welcome to apply.

To be eligible, the organisations are required to be in the unparished parts of Dartford which consists of Brent, Bridge, Burnham, Heath, Joydens Wood (part), Maypole & Leyton Cross (part), Newtown, Princes (part), Temple Hill, Town or West Hill. Proposals can involve a wide range of projects delivering:

  • Cultural/Sports facilities
  • Neighbourhood/Community facilities
  • Parks, play areas and open green spaces
  • Walking/Cycling routes and facilities
  • Public transport/Highway upgrades
  • Riverside enhancement/Flood risk management
  • Local education/Health/Care services

In 2023, £500,000 was allocated to six projects (ranging in cost from £6,000 to £430,000). The Council is looking to provide a similar total, if suitable proposals are brought forward. One of the success stories is the Europa Weightlifting Club, which refurbished a youth centre and gym in Temple Hill.

For fifty years the place had been deprived of funding, leading to parts being condemned and unusable. With the help of the Dartford Neighbourhood CIL Fund, Europa has transformed the location and it’ll be opening in early 2024.

For those interested in applying for funds please submit an expressions of interest form at https://www.dartford.gov.uk/ or if you’d like a word version of the form contact 01322343213 or email localplan@dartford.gov.uk, clearly marking it “Dartford Neighbourhood CIL Fund”. For more information visit: https://www.dartford.gov.uk/planning-3/dartford-neighbourhood-community-infrastructure-funding

Published: 5th December 2023