Highways management:
The public highway network in the borough of Dartford is the responsibility of two highway authorities, namely Highways Agency and Kent County Council.
The motorways and trunk roads such as the M25, A2 and A282 are managed and maintained by Highways Agency and local roads such as West Hill, London Road and Watling Street are managed and maintained by Kent County Council.
Highways may be managed by the implementation of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which is the statutory legal document necessary to support any enforceable traffic or highway measure such as speed limits and yellow lines.
Dartford Borough Council is able to draft traffic regulation orders in order to manage kerb-space where parking related issues exist. As Kent County Council is the local highway authority, it must 'seal' any TRO drafted by Dartford Borough Council.
Highways enforcement:
Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 permits the enforcement of some traffic regulations by civilian based organisations ie: officers other than police officers.
Kent County Council has delegated powers for Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) to all its district councils, including Dartford Borough Council. CPE is carried out by Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs), previously known as Parking Attendants (or PAs) and Traffic Wardens (when under the responsibility of the Police).