Dartford is a 'leafy borough' meaning we have a good canopy coverage.

Who is responsible for trees?

As well as the trees on our own land we are also responsible for the administration and enforcement of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO's), regulation of trees in conservation areas,  and hedgerow regulations on agricultural land.

Trees on council-owned land

If a tree is in our parks and open spaces are able to inspect and arrange maintenance of them.

Highway trees

Kent County Council are responsible for the inspection and maintenance of trees owned by the Highway Authority. i.e. any trees on grass verges or in the footpath adjacent to a road.

If a tree is on private land but adjacent to the highway, the owner of the land may be required to carry out works to make it safe if it is considered to be a danger to users of the road.

Trees in gardens of council houses

These are generally the responsibility of the tenant. If a tenant is unable to carry out normal inspection and relevant maintenance then in the first instance they should contact their Housing Estate Officer. If the officer considers that works are necessary at council expense then we will arrange a technical inspection and then the work will be carried out via one of our contractors.

Private land

We are not responsible for the maintenance of trees or hedges on private land, including gardens. We can give limited advice or assistance where possible, without legal liability.

Reporting a problem

If a tree belongs to us you can report a tree using the following forms:

Tree preservation orders or in conservation areas

If a tree is in a conservation area or covered by a TPO, for any work to be undertaken you must apply in writing to us for consent.

Before carrying out any work you must check if it is covered by any of these regulations by contacting the Planning Development Control section. They will send you any relevant forms, if necessary.

If works are carried out without consent, then the owner of the land and persons carrying out these works would be committing an offence and if found guilty could be subject to an unlimited fine.

Read more about Tree Preservation Orders


Rural hedges

Hedgerow Regulations apply to hedgerows in rural areas that are not a part of a domestic dwelling.

if you wish to carry out work any work, other than normal annual maintenance, to a rural hedge you should contact the planning department to establish whether the hedge is exempt or covered by the regulations.

Hedgerows play a vital role in supporting biodiversity, protecting soils, and preserving the character of our rural and urban landscapes. 

The regulations place a greater emphasis on the following areas:

Biodiversity protection: Hedgerows are key habitats for a variety of wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals. Under the new regulations, stricter measures have been introduced to protect hedgerows that are of ecological significance. The removal of hedgerows is tightly controlled, and permission is required to remove or significantly alter a protected hedgerow.

Management best practices: New guidelines promote sustainable management techniques to ensure the long-term health and vitality of hedgerows. This includes appropriate cutting cycles, avoiding hedge cutting during key breeding seasons, and encouraging a diverse range of native species.

Enhanced penalties for non-compliance: Local authorities now have increased powers to issue fines and enforcement notices for non-compliance with hedgerow regulations. Landowners and developers who remove or damage hedgerows without permission may face significant penalties.

Community involvement: The regulations encourage landowners and local communities to work together in the preservation and enhancement of hedgerows, with grant schemes and incentives available for those who engage in responsible hedgerow management.

You can read the full document on the Management of hedgerows regulations.

High hedges

You can find out more information about high hedges on the linked pages:


Ash dieback disease is caused by a fungus and ash trees with symptoms of the disease are increasingly being found across Europe. It has been confirmed to be infecting wild populations of ash trees across a number of locations in Kent.

Information about ash die-back disease  and what to look for from the Forestry Commission.

If you have any concerns about trees:

  • If it's on our land call 01322 343434
  • On private land: call the forestry commission on 01313 146414 or report plant health issues online


  • Do not remove any plant material from infected woodland or countryside
  • Before leaving infected woodland or countryside, clean soil, mud and leaves from footwear, wheels, tyres and tools
  • Before visiting other countryside sites, urban green space, garden centres and nurseries thoroughly wash footwear, wheels and tyres and tools
  • Follow instructions on any official signs
  • Vegetation-clearance within known infected parts of the County can continue but no plant material should be removed from site but incorporated into wood or brash-piles on site. Further, good bio-security precautions around cleaning tools, equipment and vehicles should be followed if working within known Chalara Fraxinea infected areas