Report a breach
Please read the following before you complain to check this is something we can investigate
Many domestic extensions do not require planning permission. You can check whether or not an extension is considered to be permitted development not requiring planning permission. You can check whether there are any planning applications relating to the property you are concerned about.
A breach of planning control takes place when development is undertaken without planning permission.
This can include:
- Building or engineering works or the material change of use of a property or land;
- The carrying out of development not in accordance with a planning permission, either by varying from an approved plan or by failing to comply with conditions attached to a permission;
- The carrying out of works to a listed building without consent;
- The felling or carrying out of works to a tree which is the subject of a Tree Preservation Order or which is in a Conservation Area;
- The demolition of a building within a Conservation Area
Except for works to listed buildings, displaying unauthorised advertisements and carrying out works to protected trees, most breaches of planning control are not in themselves, criminal offences.
If planning permission is not required, then the Council are unable to take any action.
The following are typical examples of activities which are NOT normally breaches of planning control and will not therefore be investigated:
- Boundary/land ownership disputes;
- On-street parking of commercial vehicles in residential areas;
- Discussions having taken place about possible building works or conversions, but work has not commenced;
- Operating a business from home where the residential use remains the primary use and there is minimal adverse impact on the area;
- Stationing of a touring caravan or motorhome within the curtilage of a house;
- Clearing land of undergrowth, bushes and trees provided they are not subject to a Tree Preservation Order and are not within a Conservation Area;
- Road safety matters
If your complaint falls within any of the above categories we will not investigate the complaint.
If you believe that a breach of planning control has occurred, then you must use an Report a Planning Breach Form to report it. Please ensure all information provided is as accurate and as detailed as possible. Failure to provide a completed form is likely to result in the complaint not being investigated. If you have evidence of the alleged breach of planning control please attach this when invited to do so.
If your complaint is to do with works to listed buildings, works to trees that are subject to a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area, or to do with an existing or ongoing investigation, then you can contact Planning Enforcement on 01322 343434 or by contacting Planning.Enforcement All other types of planning enforcement complaint must be reported using the Report a Planning Breach Form.
Please note that officers will not investigate anonymous complaints.