The Planning Performance Agreement Charter sets out the approach of Dartford Borough Council to the development and delivery of Planning Performance Agreements.

The Council will provide a template to clarify the expected format of any PPA albeit that the precise content of the PPA is subject to agreement between the applicant and the Council and will be determined by the complexity of each individual project.

Planning Performance Agreement Guidance Fee Schedule

Development Category

Fee (from 1st April 2024)

Fee (from April 1 2025)

50-100 homes

5,000-9.999 sqm commercial floorspace


(£10,050 + VAT)


(£10,350 + VAT)

101-199 homes

10,000-19,999 sqm commercial floorspace


(£20,020 +VAT)


(£20,620 + VAT)

200 homes plus

20,000 sqm commercial floorspace


(£40,020 +VAT)


(£41,220 + VAT)

In addition to the costs above, the applicant shall commit to cover the following:

  1. The Council's reasonable costs in the appointment of external consultants (such as independent Viability Consultants) to progress the planning application shall be agreed by the applicant on a case by case basis. All appointments whose costs are covered by the applicant will be by mutual agreement, with the Council obtaining quotes and issuing these to the applicant prior to appointment
  2. The Council's reasonable legal costs incurred in association with the preparation of any S106 Agreement that may commence at pre-application stage


The Council will use its discretion to seek to enter a PPA for developments of between 10 and 49 homes and commercial floorspace of between 1,000 and 4,999 sqm commercial floorspace, where the proposals are of a complex nature and raise issues which would lend themselves to being dealt with through a PPA.