To help prevent delays in requests for copy documents, we are continuously making as much information available on-line as possible for all of our customers. Please check Public Access for any documentation required before placing a request for copies.

Information available:


Decision Notices: These are available to view via Public Access. We have over 45,000 decision notices scanned on, dating back to 1948. You can check via My Property, to see if the decision you require is available. If you find it is not, please contact Planning.Admin, but if we find it is available online we will have to charge for our time.

Section 106 Agreements: These are available to view via Public Access. They can be found by searching on the associated planning reference of a development.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO): You are able to check to see whether a TPO exists on a particular property or site via My Property OR Find out if your trees are protected by a Tree Preservation Order . You can search by either address or postcode. Clicking on the TPO record when found will provide you with details, and to view a copy of the actual Order, click on MORE INFO.  This link also shows the Conservation Areas within the Borough and Listed Buildings.

Approval of conditions on the planning permission are recorded and are available on our website via Public Access. If you do require confirmation that conditions have been discharged and obligations attached to a Section 106 agreement have been met, please supply a written request along with the appropriate payment (please refer below). Once payment is made, it will take up to 15 working days to respond and this may need to be extended if the request is complex.

£360 (including VAT) per permission for developments over 150 dwellings  

  • £370 (including VAT) from April 1, 2025

£150 (including VAT) per permission up to 150 dwellings (or other development) 

  • £155 (including VAT) from April 1, 2025

£37 (including VAT) for householder applications 

  • £38 (including VAT) from April 1, 2025

Community Infrastructure Levy

Only developments granted planning permission after April 1 2014 are liable for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The charge applies to most new development where the proposed additional floorspace is 100 square metres or more; or is for one or more new dwellings. When development is approved a liability notice is sent out to all landowners and this sets out what the liability is, sometimes the liability will be £0 (due to the way CIL is calculated or where relief has been given) but this is still shown for clarity. In some cases where relief has been applied, the full liability may be sought by the Council if a specific disqualifying event take place during a set period of time after commencement of development. Details of relief applied and possible associated disqualifying events can be found on the CIL Liability notice.

The CIL liability notices are public information and are retained on the electronic file relating to the specific planning permission for the development that is liable.

The letter advising of liability can therefore be found on the Council’s website, via Public Access where all existing planning permissions and property information can be viewed. Further information on the Community Infrastructure Levy in Dartford is available on our website.

Requests for CIL confirmation of payment are: £66 per property, rising to £68 from April 1, 2025.

Building Control

Any information required can be found using My Property within the Building Control section. The details and dates supplied here is sufficient information for the purposes of selling a property.

Copies of full plans approval notices, completion certificates and other official documents are available for a fee of £50 per copy.

Approved Inspectors

These are companies or individuals that are authorised under the Building Act 1984 to carry out building control work in England and Wales. Applications from Approved Inspectors will show with a suffix of "IN" eg 06/01234/IN, and indicates that we will not hold any documentation for these types of applications. You would need to contact the Approved Inspectors directly for any certificates required.

Build Over Agreements: The Council no longer holds copies of these. Please contact Thames Water: 01923 898072.

Example of Competent Persons Scheme:

Some works that are carried out are covered by the Competent Persons Scheme (CPS) and is undertaken by contractors who are registered with these organisations. These include cavity wall insulation, replacement windows, domestic electrical works and boiler/central heating installations.

In these cases, these is no need for a building control application to be submitted, but the Council are notified by the appropriate body carrying out the works and a record of this will be visible in the property history. There is no documentation available for these types of entries. You would need to contact the appropriate organisation directly for any documents required.