Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): Developers, Landowners and Others

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to fund new infrastructure is a compulsory payment for many new developments (and not only where new floorspace is proposed of 100 square metres or more or where a new dwelling is created). This page and the Guidance below help to deal with the legal CIL requirements facing you e.g. how and when to pay the correct amount, or if you can apply for exemptions.

Answers are set out in the new Dartford CIL guidance (FAQs): Please click here for CIL Frequently Asked Questions  This highlights the main requirements of the sometimes complex national regulations that govern all CIL payments:

  •        The Guidance provides specific examples, and explains the necessary steps, at each stage, for you to take to ensure the levy is correctly paid.
  •        It outlines potential implications for you of not complying with legislation.
  •        The Guidance explains the actions you need to take and information essential if you wish to apply for relief/ exemption (where permissible).

Then use the Planning Portal to access the national forms you will need to complete and return to the Council to comply with legislation.

CIL Charge Rates

The current charge rate reflects the cumulative increases in construction costs in the years since the Dartford CIL Charging Schedule was adopted in April 2014. The CIL rates for 2025 can be found in Dartford's Annual Community Levy Rate Summary 2025 document and will come into effect for Applications approved after 2 January 2025.

(The CIL rates that applied for previous calendar years can be found in our CIL rate summary download.)

Legal Responsibility for Payment

Additional financial and other penalties may apply if information is not supplied or payment is not made within the set time period. The Council has powers of legal enforcement.

The amount of CIL payable in respect of a chargeable development is entered as a local land charge against the property, which is publicly available and checked in the property/ land buying process.

Very Large CIL Charges

Where the amount of CIL liable is £100,000 or over, we allow payments to be made by instalments. The Instalment Policy sets the proportions and dates when payments are due in such circumstances.

This guidance should not be regarded as legal advice, or automatically updated. Further information is available via: Contact us Online  or phoning 01322 343213.