Community Infrastructure Levy
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on development to contribute to funding infrastructure.
Paying CIL - Guidance for Developers and Landowners
For help dealing with CIL legal requirements (including: how and when to pay the correct amount, exemptions, national forms to complete, and CIL rates) see this information and the new Dartford Guidance.
CIL Funding - Information for Organisations and Residents
CIL funds help to pay for infrastructure such as schools, social and health facilities and transport improvements, supporting Dartford's development. The Dartford Local Plan is used in planning and investment decisions, and by the service providers, co-ordinating Borough development and new infrastructure. For further information on delivery of new local and strategic infrastructure:
- See our guideline webpages on funding for completion of applicable Neighbourhood Projects. This support is available in parts of the borough without a Parish (or Town) Council.
- The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) for Dartford categorises larger potential key infrastructure based on their current funding status, informed by our working with delivery partners (e.g. Kent County Council, the NHS and Environment Agency).
Expenditure and Income data: The developer contribution monies received through CIL and Section 106 Agreements is reported through Dartford's Infrastructure Statement. It also sets out what developer contributions have been used for and outlines types of infrastructure intended to be delivered.