Role allowances

Basic Allowance

Each Councillor will be paid a basic allowance of £6,177 per year.

Special Responsibility Allowances

Group Leaders will be entitled to the Group Leader Allowance (for each member of their group) plus one other Special Responsibility Allowance. All other Members are entitled to receive only one Special Responsibility Allowance.

Leadership allowances
Role Allowance
Leader £38,710
Deputy Leader £20,439
Cabinet Member £10,219

Lead Member / Cabinet Delivery Team Leader

Shadow Leader £10,219
Deputy Shadow Leader £6,132
Leader of any other group that has five members or makes up 10 per cent of the Council (whichever is greater). £5,110
Deputy Leader of any other group that has five members or makes up 10 per cent of the Council (whichever is greater) £3,066
Role Allowance
Chair Development Control Board £6,132
Vice Chair Development Control Board £2,023
Shadow Chair Development Control Board £2,023
Audit Board £2,555
Scrutiny Committee £2,555
Policy Overview Committee £2,555
Group Members
Role Allowance
Group Member. Paid to the Leader of any other Group that consists of five members, or 10 per cent f the Council, whichever is greater. £290 per Group Member, excluding the Leader of the Group.