Employment, education and skills
If you're looking for work, to gain a qualification or to learn new skills, there are opportunities out there to explore. Here you can find links to organisations that provide help with career transition, employment and skills.
Career transition, employment and skills:
Find a job service is the DWP's online tool where you can search for full-time and part-time jobs.
Forces Families Jobs is the go-to place for training and employment for family members of currently serving UK military personnel.
Regular Forces Employment Association is a charity that helps ex-regular Armed Forces personnel and service leavers find employment.
Career Transition Partnership provides resettlement services for those leaving the Armed Forces. They also operate as an intermediary service for employers wishing to hire service leavers and provide an online job finding service.
ForcesSelect is a recruitment service for former members of the Armed Forces and service leavers - 0207 291 5700.
The Poppy Factory is a specialist employability charity for disabled veterans helping them to find work with civilian companies throughout the UK - 0208 939 1837.
Remploy is a service that helps disabled people find work, including Armed Forces veterans - 0300 456 8110.
Officers' Association offers professional, impartial and practical advice on all aspects of transition from the Armed Forces and employment - 0203 761 6343.
National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities - 0800 100 900.
Learndirect is a provider of skills, training and employment services - 01202 006 464.
Kent Adult Education Centre runs a centre in Dartford offering a wide range of courses - 03000 41 4025.
North West Kent Volunteer Centre provides volunteering services to help the local community and have the very latest volunteering opportunities for people interested in giving up their time to do something useful - 01322 272476.