What is the Dartford Neighbourhood CIL Fund?

The Dartford Neighbourhood CIL Fund can help local organisations with extra finance for project completion, in areas without a town or parish council. For Dartford this covers Brent, Bridge, Burnham, Heath, Joydens Wood (part), Maypole & Leyton Cross (part), Newtown, Princes (part), Temple Hill, Town or West Hill electoral wards.

For all projects seeking CIL funding support:

  • It is expected that CIL funding would usually not fully fund the project.  It is anticipated other sources of part funding have been raised.
  • It will need to be clear how it is intended to build/run/complete the project, with certainty about who is taking responsibility for getting it delivered /maintaining it.
  • Criteria will be applied testing the legal eligibility of each project and for funding prioritisation between projects.