Request a grave location
You can contact the Watling Street Cemetery Office to request a grave location.
They can be contacted in the following ways Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm
Address: Watling Street, Dartford, DA2 6AA
Phone: 01322 290059 (there is an answer phone on this telephone number and all calls are returned)
Searching burial records
You can search Dartford's burial records in three ways
Request a search by Cemeteries Staff. The search fee per name (to be paid in advance) is currently £30 (1-2 names), £40 (6-10 names), 10+ names is at Cemetery Managers discretion.
Visit Watling Street Cemetery and search the records yourself - By appointment only
Access or download the burial records to your PC. You may download as little or as much as you like for this once off £5 fee. The records cover the period 1856 to 2006
View a sample of the burial records
Download Dartford's Burial Records 1856 - 2006 (£5 fee)
If you have any issues downloading the burial archives then please contact us using the link below
Contact us here regarding any issues downloading the Burial Records or Contact the Cemeteries Team