
Fly-tipping is an increasing problem throughout the Borough, both on Council land and privately owned sites. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 the fines for fly-tipping can be unlimited and any evidence which may help identify those responsible should be passed to the Council as soon as possible. You can check the number of recent investigations and prosecutions we have carried out here.

It is the landowner's responsibility to clear up after the irresponsible actions of others, however the Council views this "environmental crime" extremely seriously and works with the Police and Environment Agency to secure prosecutions whenever possible. 

Dartford Borough Council are only responsible for removing litter and/or fly-tipping of public land.

Reporting Fly-tipping

If you see anyone dumping rubbish, do not attempt the tackle the offender yourself. Please telephone the Police, who will attend if possible. When reporting flytipping, try to obtain:

  • A good description of persons responsible
  • The Registration Number(s) of vehicle(s) concerned
  • The make and model of vehicle (if possible)
  • A good description of the waste that has been fly-tipped

Use an Online Fly-Tipping Report Form  - the quickest way to to get the information recorded and to the people who can resolve the problem

If the fly tip is located in one our Housing owned bin stores, than you must contact Housing Services direct.

If a fly tip is blocking the road, you must contact Kent County Council .