Static Recycling Centres - Bottle banks and Textiles
In addition to door to door recycling collection, Dartford Council operates a network of over 14 recycling sites offering recycling facilities for glass bottles and jars. The textile banks within the borough are managed independently by the charity depicted, which amongst others include Mind, The British Heart Foundation, Oxfam and The Salvation Army. Dartford Borough Council are only responsible for emptying the glass banks at each site. The corresponding charities are responsible for emptying their textile banks.
If you find a bottle bank is full and needs emptying you can report it here
Items placed outside of the banks, even if they are full, is considered fly tipping.
DBC utilises and employs both overt and covert CCTV at some of the sites, and will take action accordingly where you may be fined a minimum of £500 with no early payment reduction.