Works so far

Phase 1 Market Street/Lowfield Street

We have removed the old car park outside Iceland and the bus stops to create Brewery Square, an open, pedestrianised space that can hosts entertainment and events - including our Big Christmas Switch On.

Brewery Square has new surfacing, improved lighting, wider pedestrian spaces, and planting small green spaces known as pocket parks.

Phase 1a High Street (see upcoming works for ongoing improvements)

The High Street was in need of a major facelift after more than 30 years without any significant improvement.

Recent works have seen the paving resurfaced using high quality natural stone materials. 

One Bell Corner has had a full upgrade. The Glimmer Twins have been installed to celebrate Sir Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, with a green wall standing behind them.

Work is ongoing to improve lighting along the High Street, and a new planter and seating is on the way. Find out more on our upcoming works page.

Phase 2a Instone Road/Lowfield Street junction

The subway has been removed and new signalised pedestrianised crossings provided as well as paving to match Market Street and new street lighting.