Upcoming work

Phase 1a High Street. Spring 2024.

The improvement works along the High Street are now almost complete. As well as new paving; new electrical connections and ducting have been provided.

During April 2024 and May 2024, new lamp columns will be installed along the High Street, these will improve the consistency of lighting, removing dark patches and improving visibility at night.

Design works are underway to install bollards that can be used to secure the High Street from vehicle entry during certain events, like our St George's Day or Festival of Light Parades, or the Big Christmas Switch On. 

Once this design work is complete, a new planter will also be installed in the High Street, which will include new seating. Locations for additional seating which does not impact on shopfronts or access along the High Street is also being investigated.

Phase 2b West Hill/Highfield Road junction. Summer 2024.

During June 2024 and June 2025, we are reconstructing the junction of West Hill/Highfield Road and Spital Street. This will involve traffic signal upgrades and renewing the footpaths and carriageways, improving pedestrian crossings. A new bus stop is also to be installed.

The works at this junction are complex and will require vehicle diversions at times to enable us to carry out the work, we will aim to keep disruption to a minimum as why we have chosen to carry out the most congestive work at night, please visit our Facebook page where you find updates on forthcoming road closures and traffic lights.

Phase 3 Hythe Street and Spital Street.

Phase 4 Westgate Road/Hythe Road junction and Prospect Place/Kent Road junction

Timings for work on Phases 3 and 4 will be shared once they are finalised.

Please bookmark this website for further updates and visit our Facebook page where you find updates on forthcoming road closures and traffic lights.

Please note that we cannot control works carried out by statutory undertakers, such as water and electricity companies and so areas of black top may still appear around the town centre. However, we will be ensure that the granite paving is replaced in good time.