Upcoming work
Phase 1a High Street.
The improvement works along the High Street are now almost complete. As well as new paving; new electrical connections, lamp columns and ducting have been provided.
Design works are underway to install bollards that can be used to secure the High Street from vehicle entry during certain events, like our St George's Day or Festival of Light Parades, or the Big Christmas Switch On.
Once this design work is complete, a new planter will also be installed in the High Street, which will include new seating. Locations for additional seating which does not impact on shopfronts or access along the High Street is also being investigated.
Phase 2b West Hill/Highfield Road junction. Summer 2024.
This phase of the project began late August 2024.
We will be making minor change to the layout of the junction. Pedestrian crossings will be made simpler and new traffic light technology will be installed that will reduce vehicle waiting times.
There will also be a new bus stop with a green roof shelter, and repaving with high quality natural granite materials to match the look and feel of the town centre.
The works will be completed in several phases and are scheduled to fully complete in the spring of 2025.
Henderson & Taylor Public Works Ltd are the contractor for these works and will be working with businesses and residents to try and ensure that normal traffic flows and access can be maintained as much as possible.
Overnight closure of West Hill
The final stage of works will require the overnight closure of the West Hill junction so that the carriageway can be replaced.
To avoid disruption, the junction will be closed overnight (9pm - 6am) from the revised date of Tuesday, March 4, until Sunday, March 16 – the road may open sooner if works finish early.
Apologies for any disruption, a signed diversion route will be in place.
The detailed plans showing the traffic management proposed during the works can be looked at here: https://publicaccess.dartford.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=SIVTRDBQ02I00
The proposed works for the West Hill junction can be seen on the General Arrangement Plans which can be viewed via the following link: https://publicaccess.dartford.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=SIVTRDBQ02I00
Phase 3 Hythe Street and Spital Street and Phase 4 Westgate Road/Hythe Road junction and Prospect Place/Kent Road junction
Timings for work on Phases 3 and 4 will be shared once they are finalised.
Please bookmark this website for further updates and visit our Facebook page where you find updates on forthcoming road closures and traffic lights.
Please note that we cannot control works carried out by statutory undertakers, such as water and electricity companies and so areas of black top may still appear around the town centre. However, we will be ensure that the granite paving is replaced in good time.